Fallen Angels is a dark and surreal crime drama directed by Wong Kar-wai. The film follows the lives of several characters, including a mute man, a hired assassin, and a female accomplice, as they navigate the dangerous and unpredictable streets of Hong Kong. With themes of love, loneliness, and existentialism, Fallen Angels explores the complexities of human relationships in a visually stunning and poetic way.
Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who relocates to New York City after his wife moves with their children. He encounters various challenges, including dealing with his ex-wife's new relationship, navigating Chinatown as an immigrant, and exploring new romantic opportunities.
All Fired Up is a 1982 comedy movie that follows the story of a compulsive liar who attends a family reunion at a polytechnical institute in Switzerland. During the reunion, he gets caught up in a criminal plot involving a casino owner, a construction site, and an investment deal. As he tries to navigate the complicated situation, his lies spiral out of control and he finds himself in hilarious and dangerous situations.
Phantom of Chinatown is a crime thriller that takes place in pre-World War Two China. The story revolves around a murder mystery involving oil deposits, a sacred tomb, and a secret panel. As an archaeologist and a government agent team up to solve the case, they uncover a series of intriguing clues leading them deeper into the dangerous world of Chinese politics and espionage. With twists and turns at every corner, this film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
In Ghosts, a desperate Chinese migrant risks everything to smuggle his son into the UK. Based on a true story, this gripping drama explores the harsh realities of human trafficking and the strength of family relationships.
Golden Gate is a crime drama film that takes place in San Francisco during the 1950s and 1960s. The story revolves around a professor who gets recruited by the FBI to infiltrate a communist group. As he delves deeper into the world of politics and espionage, he engages in an interracial romance and finds himself caught in a witch-hunt. The movie explores themes of betrayal, repentance, and the ambiguous nature of relationships.
When an alien spacecraft lands in Rome, a linguist is called in to assist with communication. As she navigates the complexities of language and cultural differences, she discovers the true intentions of the alien race.
A father brings a young child to an emergency room to get treatment for a minor injury occurring in an innocent accident, but he gets accused of child abuse. Child welfare agencies commit grossly unfair over-reactions to remove the child forcibly from the Father, who must brave the arcane system to reclaim his daughter.
Poppies (2018) is a drama short film that follows a Chinese woman as she grapples with the recent death of her mother. She finds solace in storytelling, reflecting on memories and emotions that arise. The film explores themes of grief, family, and cultural identity.
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