In a post-apocalyptic world, a walled city is home to the last remaining humans, who must protect themselves from flesh-eating zombies. As the zombies begin to show signs of increased intelligence, a group of humans venture out to gather supplies. One member of the group plans to retire in a wealthy community called Fiddler's Green, but when his request is denied, he plots to hold the city hostage. Meanwhile, a group of zombies led by a zombie named Big Daddy move towards Fiddler's Green, seeking revenge for their suffering.
After Death is an action horror movie set on a remote tropical island. A group of friends find themselves stranded and must fight for their lives against a horde of running zombies. As they battle for survival, they discover the dark secrets of the island and face unimaginable horrors.
In Undead or Alive: A Zombedy, a man tied up in an awkward situation finds himself in a comedy of errors as he navigates through the Arizona desert. With zombies, native Americans, and the grand canyon in the mix, this horror-western is a wild ride.
In a devastated post-apocalyptic world where the rules of reality are transformed by magic and madness, a vengeful police officer searches for a possessed serial killer in a battle of the not-so-good versus absolute evil.
Three years into a zombie epidemic, a group of survivors prepare to leave their wooded shelter and brave the flesh eaters in order to reach the city.
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