Enforcement is a gripping drama set in Copenhagen, Denmark, following a uniformed police officer who finds himself in hot water after using excessive force during a routine patrol. As tensions rise and the media gets involved, he must navigate the aftermath and confront the choices he made. This intense and thought-provoking film explores themes of power, accountability, and the challenges faced by law enforcement officers.
In Iran, where dance is illegal, a group of university students defies the ban and forms an underground dance company. They face challenges and danger as they pursue their passion while dealing with the oppressive regime.
Copper Bill follows the story of a cowboy named Bill who gets involved in a dangerous plot after a robbery goes wrong. He finds himself caught between a ruthless drug cartel and a criminal gang, as he tries to navigate the violent underworld of Texas. With money, violence, and a series of double-crosses, Bill must find a way to survive and complete one last job.
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