In a world plagued by monstrous creatures, one unlikely hero rises to protect humanity from the imminent threat. As the creatures wreak havoc, a team of scientists and military personnel join forces to track down and stop the monsters. Uncovering the truth behind their origins and motivations, they must rely on the fearless power of Godzilla, a prehistoric alpha predator, to ultimately save mankind from destruction.
After losing their jobs, a couple decides to explore an alternative lifestyle and end up joining a commune. They learn to navigate the challenges of communal living and discover new ways to connect with each other.
Palindromes follows Aviva, a 13-year-old girl who goes on a journey of self-discovery, dealing with themes of teenage pregnancy, pedophilia, and identity. The film uses multiple actors to portray Aviva at different ages and explores the complexity of her character. It is a satirical and dark comedy that delves into controversial topics with a unique and thought-provoking approach.
After being framed for a crime he didn't commit, a man must go on the run to clear his name and protect his family. With the FBI and a ruthless criminal organization on his tail, he must use all his skills to uncover the truth and bring the real culprits to justice.
When Mardukas switches sides, the order to whack him is given pretty fast, but who can you trust to really shoot the duke?
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