Homeland is a captivating TV show that follows the story of Carrie Mathison, a bipolar CIA officer who becomes obsessed with capturing terrorists. As she navigates the murky world of intelligence and counter-terrorism, she must battle her own personal demons and the betrayals within her own agency. With its intense plot and thought-provoking themes, Homeland keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels is a gripping TV show that takes place in 1938 Los Angeles. The city is plagued by racial tension, corruption, and supernatural forces. As a murder rocks the city, Detective Tiago Vega and his partner Lewis Michener unravel a conspiracy that involves Nazis, a religious cult, and a supernatural entity. The show explores themes of racism, anti-Semitism, and the struggle for power.
Follows two British police officers as they hunt down Avraham Stern, a charismatic poet and Zionist freedom fighter who was planning to overthrow British authorities in 1930s Tel Aviv, Israel.
Follows the hunt for Imad Mughniyeh, a Lebanese terrorist who evaded his adversaries in the Mossad and the CIA for more than two decades.
Exodus is a 1960 historical epic film depicting the exodus of Jews from Egypt. The movie portrays the story of the creation of Israel and the struggles faced by Jews during that time. It focuses on the journey of a young Jewish refuge named Ari Ben Canaan, who leads a group of Jewish immigrants to Palestine. The film highlights the conflicts between Jews and Arabs, as well as the political climate of the era.
The main decision-makers from Israel, the Arab states, Russia and the US tell the inside story of the Arab-Israel conflict.
Using never-seen-before interrogation footage, this investigation of Benjamin Netanyahu and his inner circle provides an unflinching gaze into the private world behind the headlines. Petty vanity and a sense of entitlement lead to corruption and the Netanyahus' unwillingness to give up power. The extreme right senses opportunity in Bibi’s weakness, and the dominos fall.
Alexandria... Why? is a semi-autobiographical film that follows the story of a teenage boy in Alexandria, Egypt during World War II. The film explores themes of homosexuality, family relationships, and the impact of war on individuals. It depicts the struggles and challenges faced by the protagonist as he navigates his sexual identity and deals with the political climate of the era.
Getting Away with Murder is a dark comedy about a college professor who manages to escape prosecution after murdering a Nazi war criminal. The film follows his attempts to cover up the crime and deal with the consequences.
Louis Theroux investigates the ideology of Zionism and its impact on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, delving into the complexities of the issue and the effects on the people living in the West Bank. Through interviews and firsthand experiences, Theroux sheds light on the challenges faced by both Israelis and Palestinians in the region.
In 1939, Kalman, an ambitious young businessman, leaves Europe to join his sister Samantha in Palestine. She lives with Dov, an idealistic architect obsessed with the Bauhaus style. With their friends, they form a group, which discusses the future Israeli State.
A German spy in Cairo must report back to Rommel with information on British positions.
Adapation of the fanciful comic novel by Albert Cohen.
Al Jazeera Investigations exposes how the Israel lobby influences British politics. A six-month undercover investigation reveals how Israel penetrates different levels of British democracy.
Directed by Houssam El-Din Mustafa.
A comprehensive exploration of the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Arab nations, spanning 50 years. The documentary delves into key events such as the Arab-Israeli war, the refugee crisis, the role of the United Nations, the plight of Jewish refugees, the establishment of Israel, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It also examines factors like Zionism, the British Army's involvement, the formation of kibbutz communities, anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust survivor experience.
Yiddish Theater: A Love Story is a documentary film that explores the history and impact of Yiddish theater on Jewish culture. The film follows the journey of a group of Yiddish theater enthusiasts as they strive to keep the tradition alive and thriving in modern times. Through interviews, archival footage, and performances, the film delves into the rich history of Yiddish theater, its influence on Broadway and Hollywood, and its significance in preserving Jewish culture. The film also explores the challenges faced by the Yiddish theater community and the importance of passing down this cultural heritage to future generations.
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