Zen (2009) is a biographical drama that tells the story of a Zen master in 13th-century China. The film explores the master's journey towards enlightenment, his struggles with sickness and poverty, and his teachings on Zen philosophy and Buddhist principles. Based on a novel, the film delves into the master's life at a Buddhist temple, his encounters with Buddhist priests and nuns, and his quest for spiritual enlightenment.
A man flies to South East Asia to start a new life. However, he soon finds his life being threatened by events beyond his control or understanding, and his grip on reality begins to spiral out of control.
A peaceful Zen master finds himself caught in a dangerous plot for revenge in this debut feature from actor-director Sang H. Kim. Forced to confront a past he'd rather forget, Zen master Han (Kim) winds up in a fight for his life, while the vengeful son of Han's former pupil faces his own demons. Grady Justice, Richard S. Dvorak, Shauna Lee Johnston, Nelson Nieves, Eric Murray and Elizabeth Rose also star in this martial arts drama.
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