Ashito Aoi is a young, aspiring soccer player from a backwater town in Japan. His hopes of getting into a high school with a good soccer club are dashed when he causes an incident during a critical match for his team, which results in their loss and elimination from the tournament. Nevertheless, he catches the eye of someone important who happened to be visiting from Tokyo. How will things turn out for Ashito?
Believe tells the inspiring story of an 11-year-old football enthusiast who overcomes various challenges and odds to fulfill his dreams of playing for a top football club. Along the way, he encounters the support of a caring coach, the guidance of a dedicated headmaster, and the loyalty of his teammates. Inspired by a true story set in 1984, this movie showcases the power of belief and determination in the face of adversity.
The McDougall Kids play American Football.
A woman sends her lover to prison accusing him of raping her daughter. Fifteen years later, as he returns to prove his innocence, she is found dead.
William Humphreys has been involved in the Cayman Islands Football Community for over 25 years. He's been a player in the league, referee and coach. He now runs a football program at his local Church Field to help the youth of the Cayman Islands learn about the joys of playing football.
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