Yoghurt (2010) is a comedy movie that takes place in Eastern Europe, where the locals have an intense passion for yoghurt. The story follows a group of people who go to great lengths to acquire and consume the finest yoghurt available in the region. With hilarious and sometimes outrageous situations, this movie explores the unique obsession and culture surrounding yoghurt in Eastern Europe.
In his excellent Someone Likes Yoghurt, Herrring shares with us his world of gonorrhoea-transmiting magpies, his attempts to become successor to Pope John Paul II, and his local supermarket's utterly humiliating new checkout service: the grocery interrogation.
Andreas Hübner is an unfriendly official who interviews immigrants wishing to stay in Germany. One morning an Adolf Hitler moustache appears on his face. All efforts to remove the fascist identifier fail and Andreas ends up alone in a field asking God for help. The answer arrives in the shape of a yoghurt carton with a 1945 sell-by-date.
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