Singularity Principle is a feature length science-fiction film about the consequences of renegade experiments into Parallel Universes. Co-written and directed (with Austin Hines) by physicist Dr. David Deranian, the film pays particular attention to accurate scientific detail. The story starts off with the disappearance of noted scientist Professor Jack Brenner (John Diehl) during a fateful parallel universe experiment. Jack's protégé, Dr. Peter Tanning (Michael Denis) is being interrogated by Dr. Lawrence Cason (William B. Davis) of a clandestine Black-Ops Agency to learn about the experiment and to find out what happened to Jack Brenner. Lawrence makes it clear that he wants to know everything about the experiment, including how parallel universes can be manipulated. The story unfolds with Peter describing the events of the experiment up to the fateful day where...
Flower Girl is a romantic comedy that follows the journey of Kemi, a cheerful and talented flower shop worker. When she meets the handsome writer Tunde, her life takes an unexpected turn as she becomes entangled in a complex web of relationships and romantic rivalries. As Kemi tries to navigate the world of love and find her own happiness, she discovers the power of friendship, the importance of following her dreams, and the beauty of true love.
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