A Bag of Marbles is a gripping true story of two young Jewish brothers, Maurice and Joseph, who must navigate the dangerous landscape of Nazi-occupied France during World War II. Separated from their family, the brothers embark on a treacherous journey, facing anti-Semitism, collaboration with Nazis, and the constant threat of being discovered. Through their resilience, resourcefulness, and the support of strangers, Maurice and Joseph learn the power of brotherhood and the determination to stay alive.
In Sarah's Key, a journalist in New York City, named Julia, is researching for an article about the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup during the Holocaust in 1942. Through her research, she discovers a disturbing secret about her husband's family and their connection to a young Jewish girl named Sarah. As Julia digs deeper into Sarah's story, she is confronted with the horrifying truth and the guilt that comes with it.
Set in Paris 1941, two Jewish boys cling to their lives by doing all sorts of odd jobs, stealing and black-marketeering.
An elderly Jewish woman, who was a teenager during the outset of the Holocaust and was forced to choose between her own life and her younger brother's, still lives with the guilt until she finally shares her nightmare experience with her own adult daughter.
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