Last Days is a 2005 drama film directed by Gus Van Sant. It portrays the last days of a troubled musician, inspired by the life and death of Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of the band Nirvana. The film follows the character as he navigates through his existential loneliness, struggles with drug addiction and depression, and explores themes of alienation and the nature of art. Set in a mansion in the woods of Seattle, the film delves into the mind of the young musician as he grapples with fame, success, and the pressures of being a rock n' roll icon.
In the 1970s, jazz trumpeter Miles Davis battles with music journalist Dave Braden while trying to recover a stolen item.
Parting Glances follows the story of Michael and Robert, a gay couple in New York City, as they navigate their relationship amidst the challenges of living with AIDS. The movie explores themes of love, friendship, and the impact of the AIDS epidemic on the LGBTQ+ community.
In Delievering Milo, a guardian angel named Elmore has the task of delivering an unborn soul named Milo to Earth. However, Milo is hesitant about being born and puts up resistance, causing Elmore to go through a series of challenges. These challenges include navigating through Bloomingdale's in New York City, a visit to the Carnegie Deli, and a trip to Atlantic City. Throughout the journey, Elmore encounters various characters and situations that test his patience and determination. Will he successfully deliver Milo and fulfill his duty as a guardian angel?
Jack of all trades and master of none, Al Baxter stays afloat by working four jobs. As if that weren't enough, happenstance leads Al to place four ads in the phone book, resulting in four more jobs. Trouble is, none of them is real. Now, Al has to juggle his actual responsibilities with his make-believe ones, all the while trying to extricate himself from an FBI sting, a stolen microchip scam and hordes of Chinese tourists.
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