In the year 2038, a man named George is haunted by the death of his wife, with whom he worked on creating advanced AI. As he struggles with grief and isolation, George creates an android replica of his wife using her memories. However, he soon discovers a hidden truth about his wife's death and the corporation they worked for. With the help of a security drone and a talking computer, George embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. Along the way, he faces his own mortality, confronts the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, and ultimately faces a surprise ending.
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
A father and adopted daughter learn what it means to be far from home.
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