Young Rock is a sitcom-comedy TV show that depicts the life of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, from his childhood in Polynesia to his rise in professional wrestling. The show explores his relationships with his father and mother, as well as his journey towards becoming a successful actor and his potential future presidential campaign in the year 2032.
Blade Runner: Black Lotus is an animated TV show set in the year 2032, in a dystopian city where hyperealistic-animation technology has become a part of everyday life. The story revolves around a mysterious woman who embarks on a mission of revenge, taking on powerful forces while uncovering deep secrets about herself and the city. With stunning animation and intense action, Blade Runner: Black Lotus explores themes of artificial intelligence, cyberpunk, and the human experience in a technologically advanced world.
A police officer named John Spartan is brought out of cryogenic prison to chase down his dangerous enemy, Simon Phoenix. In a society where violence is outlawed, Spartan struggles to adapt while Phoenix wreaks havoc. Together with a rebellious group, Spartan fights to bring down a corrupt leader and restore order.
With only 24 hours left to live, a private investigator follows a trail of confounding clues to uncover the disappearance of his childhood friend.
In the year 2032, a detective and his cyborg partner investigate a string of murders committed by malfunctioning robots. As they delve deeper, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens their own existence and questions the nature of consciousness and humanity.
Los Angeles 2050 A.D. Crime. Drugs. Violence. Rape. The City of Angels has descended into chaos. Street fighter Dominic La Banca seeks to avenge his brother's death in this lawless city. To find the killer, he must enter the deadly underworld of the Alley Fights a savage kickboxing match of the future!
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