In the near future, in a post-apocalyptic world where electricity no longer exists, a group of rebels rises up against a corrupt ruler. The story follows a young woman named Charlie, who embarks on a dangerous journey to find her uncle, a former member of the resistance. Along the way, she must navigate through a feudal society, face battles, and uncover the secrets of a mysterious pendant. As the rebellion grows stronger, Charlie becomes a major player in the power struggles that shape the fate of the new world.
Hello World is an anime movie set in the year 2027, where a video-game programmer named Naomi Katagaki meets a mysterious person from the future who gives him the ability to travel back in time. As he discovers the truth behind his newfound powers, Naomi must navigate a virtual world and confront his past to save the future.
In the year 2027, a cyborg assassin named Nemesis is hired to track down and eliminate a high-profile target. As Nemesis delves deeper into the mission, he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the world as he knows it. With stylized violence, futuristic technology, and intense action sequences, Nemesis must navigate a dangerous dystopian landscape to complete his one last job.
In a near-future Paris, a fighter discovers a mysterious drug that leads him to unravel a conspiracy involving corruption, fascism, and corporate power.
Star Cops follows Nathan Spring and the rest of his multinational team of the International Space Police (Star Cops) as they work to establish the Star Cops and solve whatever crimes come their way. Operating in a relatively accurately realised hard SF, near-future, space environment, many of the cases that the Star Cops investigate arise from opportunities for new crimes presented by the technologically advanced future society the series depicts and from the hostile frontier nature of the environment that the Star Cops live in.
In MindGamers (2015), a group of brilliant young students stumble upon a groundbreaking technology that allows them to synchronize their minds, creating a collective consciousness. As they start experimenting with this new technology, they unknowingly become entangled in a dangerous mind game that challenges their sanity and forces them to confront their deepest fears.
In the year 2027, a man wakes up with amnesia and discovers that he is part of a cryogenic experiment. As he tries to piece together his fragmented memories, he uncovers a conspiracy that could change the course of humanity. With time running out, he must confront his own past and face the truth before it's too late.
In the tumultuous near-future of Indonesia in 2027, Edwin, a young substitute teacher at a school for juvenile delinquents, must face his own inner demons, which complicate his battle for survival once the school turns into a battleground.
In a future world mankind is about to be wiped out by a super virus. As people hide underground, their only hope is a meteorite that has fallen to earth which may contain a cure. Only one thing stands in their way from retrieving the crystal: The infected topsiders.
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