Taisho Otome Fairy Tale is a slice-of-life anime that takes place in 1920s Japan. It follows the story of a young girl with a physical disability who is married off to a stranger as part of an arrangement between their families. The series explores themes of family relationships, friendship, and young love in a historical setting.
Count Alexander Rostov finds himself going from riches to rags following the Russian revolution. A Soviet tribunal banishes him to the attic room of an opulent hotel, where, oblivious to the world outside, he discovers the true value of friendship, family and love.
Bill and Ted, now middle-aged, are tasked with creating a song to save all of time and space. They travel through time, meet historical figures, and encounter their future selves as they try to fulfill their destiny.
In 1922, a farmer plots to kill his wife to avoid losing his land, but the act and its aftermath lead to a series of haunting events. Guilt, paranoia, and supernatural occurrences grip the farmer as he struggles to keep his secret hidden.
In 1920s New York City, a group of friends becomes entangled in the world of organized crime, as they navigate through violence, power struggles, and unlikely friendships.
A Woman Called Sada Abe is a biographical drama film based on the true story of Sada Abe, a Japanese woman whose obsession with a man led her to commit murder and castration. The film explores themes of love, lust, and the limits of human desire.
In the 1920s, a tracker is hired to find an aborigine boy who has gone missing in the outback. As he embarks on a journey through the Australian wilderness, he must confront racism, violence, and the dark secrets of his own past.
Sold a small plot of land for a tiny outlay, Cockney widow Chloe Marsh and her two daughters flee the slums of post-war London for a better life in the country. But rural life in 1922 is hard. Chloe and her fellow pioneers have no mains water, no gas, no electricity, and no jobs. Forced to live in tents until they can afford a shack, they carve a community out of the hostile countryside.
In the year 1922, a young woman named Louise Brooks embarks on a journey from Kansas to New York City, where she dreams of becoming a dancer. Along the way, she encounters various challenges and meets interesting characters, all while navigating the vibrant and evolving cultural landscape of the 1920s.
In this charming movie, a 6-year-old Roald Dahl embarks on a delightful adventure when he encounters Beatrix Potter, a famous British author, in 1922. Along the way, they discover the magic of friendship and the power of imagination.
In the bleak landscape of Minnesota, a series of murders occur that are linked to a dark secret from the past. As an investigation unfolds, a novice detective finds herself entangled in the sinister history of the region.
In 1920s England, a young woman named Lucy Honeychurch visits Florence with her cousin and chaperone, Charlotte Bartlett. While in Florence, Lucy becomes acquainted with the free-spirited Mr. Emerson and his son George, who introduce her to a new way of thinking and living. As Lucy navigates the complexities of Edwardian society and her own desires, she must choose between the expectations placed upon her and following her heart.
In the midst of the Greco-Turkish War in 1922, a band of mercenaries is hired to escort a valuable gold shipment through the war-torn country. Along the way, they face numerous challenges and confrontations, including battles, explosions, and ambushes.
It’s 1922 in the Quebec countryside, and Claudine Perreault has big plans for her son, François. He’ll enter the priesthood so that God will forgive her for bearing a child out of wedlock. But 17-year-old François is dead set against joining the seminary. Enraged, Claudine strikes him so violently he goes deaf. After his mother’s death, François begins a different kind of relationship with a woman when he buys the wild and aloof young Amica from an Innu peddler.
In the year 1922, a delegation from Moscow embarks on a diplomatic journey to Genova, Italy. The delegation, led by a Soviet general, encounters various challenges and negotiations related to a trade agreement and political discussions. The movie follows the journey of the delegation, showcasing the interactions between diplomats, delegates, and the local authorities in Genova. The plot highlights the complexities of international diplomacy and the political climate during that period.
First National gala celebrity banquet with stars.
Dziga Vertov-directed Soviet newsreel covering: International Youth Day and demonstrations / All-Russian Olympiad / Streetcar collision / Construction of automobiles in a Petrograd factory.
Sunrise at Campobello is a movie based on the play of the same name. It follows the story of Franklin D. Roosevelt as he battles with polio and rises to become the President of the United States. Set in the 1920s, the movie explores the challenges faced by FDR and how he overcomes them with the support of his family and the American people.
Dziga Vertov-directed Soviet newsreel covering: Streetcar collision / Arms manufacturing plant resumes operation / Assembling an automobile / Bicycle and motorcycle races / A parade of Red Army armored units and an attack exercise.
Dziga Vertov-directed Soviet newsreel covering: Congress of the "Living Church" / Opening of the horse racing season / Demonstration of an American movie camera / Operation of mobile projection units.