In the year 1659, a teenage boy named Jim is captured by pirates and forced to join their crew. He quickly becomes involved in a series of comedic mishaps and adventures, including falling in love, rescuing a kidnapped woman, and engaging in sword fights and sea battles. Along the way, Jim forms friendships with his fellow pirates and learns valuable lessons about love, loyalty, and the importance of self-discovery.
In 17th-century England, a young nun is falsely accused of a heinous crime and is imprisoned in a convent. As she battles the horrors within, she becomes possessed and unleashes a malevolent force upon the nuns.
Robinson Crusoe, a shipwrecked man, finds himself alone on a deserted island. He must learn to survive and adapt to his new environment, facing challenges such as loneliness, cannibalism, and mutiny. With the help of his loyal dog and the eventual arrival of Friday, a native he rescues, Robinson Crusoe manages to build a new life on the island.
This 1954 feminist version of "Robinson Crusoe" stars Amanda Blake as a woman shipwrecked on a jungle island. Also with George Nader and Rosalind Hayes.
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