The sequel film to the advertisement of the anti-balding and edible Shampoo product 'Yum-Poo'. Created by Mr. M and his team of Geneticists, the story follows the company founder Mr. M, one year after the launch of the widely successful 'Yum-Poo'. However, things didn't work out as intended for the product, something went wrong and the world turns against him. With a mysterious figure following his every step, can he find a way to redeem himself and his crew, or will he just have to live with the guilt? What went wrong? Who is Stalking him? Yum-Poo, Yum-Yum...
An ordinary school student discovers, via a school notification on his phone, that he has an essay (or some form of homework) to submit to the teacher by 5pm. Easy right? When he begins to work, procrastination takes over and manifests in a visible form to lure and distract him away from completing his essay, will he get it done in time, or will procrastination take over? 🕔
Yum-Poo. The edible and anti-balding shampoo product brought to you by Unsuccessful Baits. Our product has many uses including, but not limited too, being a sauce, an edible/drinkable snack or full-course meal (specific flavours) as well as a Shampoo that has been shown to re-grow hair from balding heads using stem-cell technology. Everything about our product has been developed by trusted Scientists, Professors and Stem-Cell researchers. All ethical and moral guidelines have been checked and correctly followed during and when developing the Yum-Poo products and flavours. Yum-Poo. Yum-Yum!
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