In the year 2050, dark energy threatens the Sun and the Earth with an ice age. A team of astronauts is sent on a dangerous mission to deliver a nuclear bomb to reignite the Sun. The mission faces multiple challenges and sacrifices as they encounter the remnants of a failed earlier mission. With time running out, they must overcome internal conflicts and a deranged survivor to complete their mission and save humanity.
Tired of his wife's infidelities, Moliere rented a house in Auteuil, with his young protege, Michel Baron and his lifelong friend, Chapelle who invited a turbulent troop to dinner, that will mock/envy the jealous passion of the author.
Paul Badman explains, why it is important to keep track of your data online.
The [parody] of the opening credits of the "Simpsons" series, [but] with an original story and an all-new couch gag. (Shortverse)
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