The Classic is a heartfelt drama and romance film that tells the story of a female college student who discovers a love letter written by her mother when she was young. Through multiple timelines, the film explores the themes of love, first love, and the intricacies of relationships. It takes place in university and showcases the emotional journey of the characters, including their best friend relationships.
In the year 1959, a psychotherapist treats three schizophrenic patients at a mental hospital. The patients all believe that they are Jesus Christ and the psychotherapist tries to understand their delusions while facing opposition from a bureaucrat. The story is based on a true story and is entirely told in flashback.
The Way Home is a touching drama about a 7-year-old boy who goes to live with his mute grandmother in the countryside. Through their daily struggles and interactions, the boy learns important life lessons about love, patience, and the true meaning of family. As he adapts to his new surroundings, he discovers the beauty of nature, the value of hard work, and the importance of human connection.
In 1930s England, a teenage girl living in a castle with her eccentric family experiences first love and navigates the complexities of relationships.
A young Swiss drug addict has been imprisoned for robbery, and must wait and wait for his upcoming trial, all the while isolated and without hope of parole - the police are convinced he is a dealer and not just a user. He hears from his son that his girlfriend has a new man, and begins to despair of ever coming to trial, or of having another relationship like the one he lost. This fiction film is said to be based on a true story.
Tater Tot & Patton is a heartfelt drama about a troubled man named Patton who forms an unlikely bond with his niece, Tater Tot, after his ex-wife tragically passes away. Through their unique relationship, they both find a sense of purpose and learn to heal from their past wounds. Set against the backdrop of a ranch in rural America, this emotional journey explores themes of loss, forgiveness, and the power of human connection.
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