Chaos on the Bridge is a documentary that explores the behind-the-scenes chaos and challenges faced during the production of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The film delves into conflicts, egos, and the troubled history of the show, offering a unique perspective on the making of the iconic sci-fi series.
To help Francis Hallé in his fight to save the last tropical forests, a documentary filmmaker with a passion for nature decides to make his first film: "The Botanist", an ecological thriller with Leonardo DiCaprio. He traces his path with malice, obstinacy, and discovers, with candor, the arcana of the seventh art. Even if he never gives up, will his film ever exist?
Pencils Down! The 100 Days of the Writers Guild Strike is a documentary film that chronicles the historic labor movement of screenwriters in Hollywood. It provides an inside look into the issues of copyright, work stoppage, and labor negotiations that led to the strike, as well as the impact it had on the entertainment industry. The film offers a comprehensive exploration of the writers' demands, the picket lines, and the ultimate resolution of the labor dispute.
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