In Crime Busters, two friends who are unemployed find themselves taking on the role of crime-fighting heroes after a series of events. They stumble upon a plot involving a corrupt boss and must use their wits and unconventional methods to bring him to justice. With plenty of action, comedy, and adventure, Crime Busters keeps audiences entertained from start to finish.
Udaan depicts the journey of a young man named Rohan who rebels against his oppressive father and runs away from boarding school to pursue his passion for writing. Along the way, he navigates the challenges of an unhappy childhood, a dysfunctional family, and the traumas of his past. With the help of his supportive brother and friends, he overcomes various obstacles and finally finds the courage to follow his dreams.
Dennis is a handsome, successful and well-liked civic leader who lives in his hometown with his lovely wife and their new baby. When Enrique Vasquez and his striking teen daughter Angela move in next door, Dennis is only too happy to lend a hand. But when he and Angela begin an affair, Dennis's perfect life is threatened.
Gas station owner Donald thinks he's just missed the winning number for a new Zoom V8 car but his nephews hear a correction, and find he really does have the winner. They plan to pick it up and surprise him, but the car they take runs out of gas, and they're broke. They cut out the picture of a Zoom V8 from a billboard, dress one of the boys in drag, and trick Donald into filling their tank. As they drive off, Donald plots his revenge and executes it, when the boys return in Donald's new car.
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