American Dreamz is a satire comedy that follows a singing competition within the White House. With a mix of fictional reality show drama, political satire, and comedic elements, the movie portrays the absurdities of American pop culture and politics. It touches on themes such as image campaigns, sleeper agents, and the influence of television on society.
When a group of domestic terrorists invades a small town in North Carolina, a woman takes it upon herself to fight back and protect her community. Along the way, she must confront her own inner demons and battle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With intense violence and thrilling action, 'Check Point' is a gripping movie that showcases the strength and resilience of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.
Based on real life events, Summer of '67 brings to life the turbulent times of the sixties and the struggles faced by the men and women impacted by the Vietnam War. Young wife and mother Milly (Rachel Schrey) is forced to live with her mother-in-law while her husband Gerald (Cameron Gilliam) is away on the USS Forrestal. Kate (Bethany Davenport) must choose between Peter (Christopher Dalton) her high school sweetheart and Van (Sam Brooks) her new hippie boyfriend. Ruby Mae (Sharonne Lanier) finally finds true love with Reggie (Jerrold Edwards) only to have him whisked away by the draft. Each woman faces the question of whether or not their man will return, and even if he does, will life as they know it ever be the same?
In 'The Three Es,' a war veteran struggles to adapt to life after losing three limbs. Dealing with physical and emotional challenges, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learns to find hope and purpose again.
There is a bond between men who have been in the trenches together that transcends time, space, life and death.
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