Apocalypse: The Second World War is a gripping documentary series that explores the events and consequences of World War II. It showcases the carnage, mass murder, and institutional brutality that occurred during the war, highlighting the experiences of soldiers and the devastating impact of bombings. The series delves into the alliances formed by the Allies and the military strategies employed by Nazi Germany. It also sheds light on the Holocaust, providing a comprehensive understanding of one of the darkest chapters in human history.
Nazi diehard and fanatics fight to the last man to stop Allied forces from freeing Europe, keeping an unrelenting grip on the naval bases, citadels and fortresses of occupied Europe.
Dan Snow and Kate Humble present a three-part guide to the critical aerial battle that changed the course of the Second World War, featuring personal stories of pilots, ground crews and members of the public. The first episode tracks the first skirmishes of the three-day battle,as the Luftwaffe began an all-out assault to rid Britain of air power prior to a land invasion. The first skirmishes were being tracked by a 19-year-old WAAF member in a secret London bunker, and her secret diaries provide fresh insight into the strategies behind the aerial combat.
In the winter of 1944, a small American combat unit is faced with the daunting task of holding off a much larger German force during the Battle of the Bulge. As they fight for survival in the harsh Ardennes forest, they must muster all their bravery, resilience, and resourcefulness to overcome the enemy and achieve victory.
The decline of Hitler’s empire from the inside out by exploring the decline of the Nazis through the perspective of Hitler's bumbling generals and a paranoid Fuhrer.
Battlefield is a captivating TV show that delves into the intriguing history and intense combat of World War II. From the perspectives of soldiers, commanders, and political leaders, this documentary series provides a comprehensive examination of the epic battles, strategies, and sacrifices that shaped the course of the war.
A documentary about the historic Normandy Landings during World War II, showcasing the bravery and sacrifice of the Allied forces as they fought against the Nazis.
It's June 1942 and the world's fate is about to be decided by a handful of pilots and their untested aircraft. Experience an inside look at the Battle of Midway, captured through rarely seen battle footage and firsthand accounts from its hero dive-bombing pilot, "Dusty" Kleiss. This is an hour-by-hour recount of one of the most pivotal conflicts of the 20th century. Take a closer look at how this desperately needed victory came about through the design of U.S. airplanes, the skill of the pilots, the element of surprise, and a stroke of luck.
To mark the 70th anniversary of the Dunkirk evacuation, Dan Snow tells the story of the 'little ships' which made the perilous cross-channel voyage, as 50 of them return to France.
Experience the horrors and triumphs of the 85-day battle of Normandy as Allied forces fought to liberate Europe from the Nazi regime. From the brutal amphibious landing on D-Day to the eventual German surrender, this documentary provides a comprehensive look at one of the most important battles in history.
Based on Iain Ballantyne's book, and shedding new light on one of World War II's most epic sea battles, this documentary provides a thrilling countdown of the Bismarck's final 24 hours.
In 1941, the Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan seemed to be on the brink of conquering the entire world. World War 2 began with a series of swift, stunning and decisive victories as the Axis powers completely took the Allies off-guard. By late 1941, Adolf Hitler ruled over a vast empire that covered Europe, large parts of Russia, North Africa and the Mediterranean. Germany occupied swathes of lands with a population greater than that of the United States. Hitler's Axis ally, Japan, ruled over an empire that was even larger in size. The war, it seemed, was won. And then they lose it all. But how? In five themed episodes, How To Lose A War looks at the numerous missteps that turned the Axis powers' devastating victories into crushing defeats.
The first combined army consisting of British and US troops banding together to push their enemy from North Africa for good. One of the most famous campaigns of the entire second world war. A harsh, physical environment tested the strength of all men on both sides of the war. The war in Tunisia.
This WWII documentary uses current location filming and authentic historic film clips to document the Battle of the Bulge, the last big German offensive in World War II, which was launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia in eastern Belgium, northeast France, and Luxembourg in December of 1944. The film also portrays the heroism, as well as the confusion and humiliation, that characterized both the Allied and the German troops. It contains rare or previously unseen archival film material as well as in-depth interviews with military leaders from both sides who gives their account of this battle.
In this World War II documentary, we examine several of the controversial bombings of the war. Included is Allies bombing of the Benedictine Monastery on Monte Cassino.
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