In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet. The story is set in the indeterminate future. A virus, deliberately released in 1996 in multiple locations around the world, has killed off nearly all of the Earth's population, at least five billion people...
Hetalia is a satirical anime series that personifies countries as characters, humorously portraying historical events and relationships between nations. The show highlights various allegories and political alliances, often using a comedic approach. It includes themes such as friendship, family relationships, and international relations. The series provides a lighthearted and entertaining take on world history.
Blackadder is a satirical, sarcastic TV show that combines humor, history, and cunning plans. Each season follows a different member of the Blackadder family as they navigate various historical periods, encountering witches, crusaders, kings, queens, and battles along the way.
In Spring 1917, 17-year-old Paul Bäumer enlists in the Imperial German Army during World War I. He and his friends experience the horrors of trench warfare on the Western Front, witnessing the death of their comrade Ludwig. As the war progresses, they face challenges including gas attacks, a cease-fire negotiation, and a final deadly battle. Despite the imminent end of the war, Paul loses his friends and ultimately his own life on the battlefield. A heartbreaking tale of the devastating effects of war.
In 1902, British aristocrat Orlando (Ralph Fiennes) (Arthur), Duke of Oxford, his wife Emily (Alexandra Maria Lara), and their young son Conrad (Harris Dickinson) visit a concentration camp (led by General Kitchener and his deputy Captain Maximilian "Max" Morton) in South Africa during the Second Boer War while working for the Red Cross. Emily is mortally wounded during a Boer sniper attack on the camp. Before she dies, Emily makes Orlando promise never to let their son see war again. Twelve years later, Orlando has formed a private spy network consisting of domestic servants employed by the world's most powerful dignitaries and has recruited his own servants Shola (Djimon Hounsou) (Merlin) and Polly (Gemma Arterton) (Gallahad) into it. The network's primary objective is to protect the United Kingdom and the British Empire from the approaching Great War....
In 1918 Texas, Pearl, a young woman living on her parents' farm, is captivated by movies and dreams of becoming a chorus girl. As she spirals into madness, she indulges in abusing morphine and commits a series of murders, including her parents and a projectionist. Pearl's ultimate goal is to create a comfortable home for her husband who returns unexpectedly from war.
Diana, an Amazonian warrior princess, discovers her true powers when she leaves her secluded island paradise to fight alongside men in a war to end all wars. She becomes Wonder Woman, a hero who is determined to bring peace to the world.
In the 1910s, pilot Dick Dastardly and his anthropomorphic animal companion Muttley join an aviation squadron during World War I. As sympathetic villains, they engage in a rivalry with other pilots, using various aircraft and tactics to try and win. The show explores their comical and mischievous attempts to outsmart their opponents and earn recognition.
In April 1917, two young British soldiers, Schofield and Blake, are tasked with delivering a message to stop an attack that could endanger the lives of 1,600 men. They face various obstacles and dangers, including no man's land, abandoned trenches, booby traps, and enemy soldiers. Along the way, they encounter a burned pilot, a sniper, and a French woman with an infant. Schofield overcomes these challenges and reaches Colonel Mackenzie in the nick of time to call off the attack. Despite the mission's success, Schofield mourns the loss of his comrade and reflects on his own family.
Adolf Hitler, born in Braunau, one man who will change the history of the world forever. It follows his childhood to the death of his mother and his broken ambition to become an artist, then further to his entry into politics. His service in the army, accolades, his writing Mein Kampf, politics and most importantly Germany's revival are well explained followed by WW2. It also covers the effect on Germany's after the WW2 defeat up until the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Three brothers and their father living in remote Montana are affected by betrayal, history, love, nature, and war. Sick of betrayals, Colonel William Ludlow leaves the Army and moves to Montana, where he builds a ranch. The brothers find themselves in the 10th Battalion, CEF during World War I, which leads to tragedy and guilt. The story explores their relationships, struggles, and the enduring love and legacy that remains.
In a 19th-century rural village, a cursed man seeks revenge against those who wronged him. As the village becomes plagued by terrifying creatures and supernatural events, a pathologist and a vicar attempt to uncover the secrets behind the curse.
The story follows T.E. Lawrence, an English officer stationed in Cairo during World War I. Against orders, Lawrence assesses Prince Faisal's revolt against the Turks and proposes a daring attack on Aqaba. With the help of Arab tribes, Lawrence leads a successful campaign against the Turks. However, his actions lead to a series of traumatic events, causing him to question his role and purpose. In the end, Lawrence's efforts to unite the tribes and liberate Arabia are overshadowed by political struggles and the realities of post-war governance.
In this adventure animation movie, Sgt. Stubby, a stray dog, becomes a heroic military working dog during World War I. He joins the American Expeditionary Force and embarks on a journey to France, where he bravely serves alongside the French army. Through his courage and loyalty, Sgt. Stubby makes a significant impact on the war effort and becomes a beloved hero. This heartwarming tale showcases the bond between humans and animals and celebrates the bravery and sacrifice of our military heroes.
Young Albert enlists to serve in World War I after his beloved horse is sold to the cavalry. Albert's hopeful journey takes him out of England and to the front lines as the war rages on. In 1912, a teenage boy named Albert Narracott witnesses the birth of a Bay Thoroughbred foal and subsequently watches with admiration the growth of the young horse, galloping through the fields at his mother's side. Albert's father Ted buys the colt at auction, despite a friend pointing out a more suitable plow horse for his farm. Ted promises to pay rent to Mr Lyons by plowing and planting a stony hillside field with turnips. Albert names the horse Joey and devotes much time to training him. However, a rainstorm destroys the turnip crop, so Ted sells Joey to the young cavalry officer Captain James Nicholls as the First World War starts. Albert tries to enlist in the army but is too young. Joey is trained for military operations and becomes attached to Topthorn, a black horse. The two horses are deployed to France with a flying column, but the Cavalry charges are hopelessly obsolete, and Nicholls and most of his fellow cavalrymen are killed. On the German side, two young brothers capture Joey and Topthorn and use them to pull an ambulance wagon. Joey and Topthorn are then put to pulling German heavy artillery, an exhausting task that kills horses quickly. By 1918, Albert has enlisted and is fighting in the Second Battle of the Somme. Joey escapes and gets entangled in barbed wire in no-man's land, where he is freed by a British and a German soldier. Albert, temporarily blinded, hears about the horse and reunites with Joey. Albert regains his eyesight as the war ends and plans to buy Joey, but Emilie's grandfather outbids him. However, Joey chooses to return to Albert, convincing the grandfather to give him back. Albert returns with Joey to his family's farm.
In the midst of World War I, a Jewish barber and a dictator find themselves in opposing positions. Twenty years later, the barber tries to avoid persecution from the now-ruthless dictator's regime. With the help of his love interest and a former comrade, they plan to overthrow the dictator and create a better world.
During the Russian Revolution, a medical student turned doctor, Yuri Zhivago, finds himself torn between his love for two women and his ideals. As the world around him changes, Yuri must navigate the chaos of war and political upheaval while trying to hold onto his principles and find love in a time of turmoil.
The Ottoman Lieutenant follows a young woman named Lillie, who leaves the safety of her privileged world in Philadelphia to volunteer as a nurse in a remote mission hospital in Anatolia. During her journey, she falls in love with Jude, an American lieutenant in the Ottoman Imperial Army. However, their relationship is complicated by the presence of Ismail, a Turkish officer who also harbors feelings for Lillie. As World War I unfolds, the love triangle faces numerous challenges amidst the chaos and atrocities of war.
During World War I, a young man arrives on a remote island to work as a lighthouse keeper. He soon discovers an amphibious creature that emerges from the sea every night. As he forms a bond with the creature, he also uncovers its dangerous and deadly nature. Together with a meteorologist, they must fend off the creature and survive the harsh conditions of the isolated island.
In World War I, after a failed attack on a German position, a general orders three soldiers to be court-martialed for cowardice. Their commanding officer must defend them in a trial where the outcome seems predetermined. As the trial progresses, the true nature of the military and the toll it takes on its soldiers is revealed.