Bunny Drop follows the life of Daikichi, a single man who takes in a mysterious six-year-old girl named Rin. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of parenthood, forming an unexpected and heartwarming bond. As Daikichi learns how to be a father, he discovers the joys and challenges of raising a child.
On Chef Antonia's birthday, her estranged mother pays a surprise visit to the restaurant. Struggling with feeling abandoned by her mother when her twin brother died 10 years ago, Antonia imagines her brother urging reconciliation.
In a future where social media dominates every moment of our lives, "X" has attained unprecedented celebrity but obscurity is just a click away.
Lonesome Lenny tells the story of a squirrel named Lenny who dreams of becoming a world-class boxer. However, his dreams are dashed when he accidentally gets shrunk by a steam bath and ends up in a pet shop. Lenny's journey takes him through a series of bizarre and hilarious encounters, including escaping a doghouse, navigating a mansion, and facing off against a cartoon wolf. In the end, Lenny learns the importance of companionship and the pursuit of one's passions.
When a cold case novelist’s career implodes, she seeks refuge at her friend's remote vacation home. Upon arrival, she encounters a strange couple who claim to be the caretakers. As tensions build, a dark secret begins to emerge.
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