The Wet Parade is a drama film set in the early 1900s during the Prohibition era. It explores the social impact and consequences of alcohol consumption through various storylines, including a murder trial, a social reformer's crusade, and a newspaper reporter's investigation. The film touches upon themes of family relationships, class distinction, and political campaigns in a time of social upheaval.
Wilson is a biographical comedy-drama film that tells the story of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States. The film explores Wilson's personal and political life, including his presidency, his stroke, and his role in World War I.
A German spy who is married to Lillian, the sister of Rosie O'Grady.
After losing everything in the stock market crash, a man discovers a mysterious watch that allows him to turn back the clock. He uses this newfound power to change his past and try to fix the mistakes he made. However, he soon realizes that altering the past has consequences he never anticipated.
A wealthy man relates how gambling had tragic consequences for his family.
Neysa von Igel, who is living with her supposed grandfather, Adolph Schmidt, loves America, although she believes herself to be German-born. Unknown to Neysa, when she was three years old, her father and mother, both American-born, were killed in Germany by Emil Koenig, who, in punishment, was sent to the United States to work in the interest of the government of the Fatherland, and who is now associated with Schmidt in his manufacturing enterprise. Koenig demands that Neysa work in behalf of Germany. She revolts and escapes to the home of David Hale, who had been her grandfather's attorney, but who is now in the service of the United States Government. Hale and Neysa are married and depart for France, where the girl again encounters Koenig, and, after many thrilling adventures, she kills him in self-defense.
While developing a powerful explosive, naval officer Paul Towne introduces his friend Richard Tracy to Judith Corbin, his friend since childhood. For years, Paul had assumed that he would marry Judith, but when Richard proposes, Judith, tired of waiting for Paul, accepts. Soon after the marriage, Richard becomes more interested in the new explosive than in his new wife, and to pay off gambling debts, he agrees to steal the formula and sell it to a foreign government.
In this propaganda film, athletic silent star George Walsh plays reporter Jack Bartlett, who interviews President Wilson regarding the Fourth Liberty Loan. The story never appears in the paper, however, because its new owner, Otto Crumley, is pro-German. So Jack quits his job and begins canvassing for the Liberty Loans. In the midst of his vigorous campaigning he also halts Crumley's plans to inspire a strike at a munitions plant.
Boots is a young servant girl who polishes shoes in an English inn. She is an incurable romantic, addicted to melodramatic stories of love and adventure. When she discovers a Bolshevik plot to blow up a government official, she takes it on herself to foil the plot.
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