The Magnificent Butcher follows a martial arts master, known as the Butcher, as he seeks revenge for the murder of his teacher. Along the way, he faces a series of comedic and violent challenges, showcasing his kung fu skills. With slapstick comedy, thrilling fight scenes, and a touch of dark humor, this film is a classic in the genre.
While Wong Fei Hung is away traveling, three ruthless villains pretend to establish a temple as a front for a range of criminal activities including kidnapping young woman to be used as sex workers. Wong’s wife is told about the goings on by a student and together they take on the gang. Eventually Wong Fei Hung returns and the operation is raided by the married couple and their students. But the villains have filled their temple with traps and secret rooms.
Master Wong Fei-hung and disciple Ling Wan-kai take refuge at Golden Cock Township in Guangxi.They befriend the Mok sisters being forced to marry a local tyrant. Master Wong and Ling intervene to help the sisters to uproot the evil tyrant.
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