My Summer of Love follows the story of two teenage girls in Yorkshire, England who form a close bond during the summer. The film explores themes of love, deception, and coming-of-age as the girls navigate their feelings for each other and the challenges of their individual lives.
Elles is a drama film that follows a journalist as she delves into the lives of female students engaged in prostitution. Through her interviews, she explores themes of female sexuality, friendship, and societal expectations.
An anthology of 26 short films, each by different directors, that provide unconventional and terrifying stories of death.
The 30-years old Max is MD and engaged to the attractive Coco, who jealously keep watch over him. After he heard the lovely voice of an unknown misdialing woman, he starts a restless search ...
Drama about the fading relationship between a professor and his wife. Based upon a short story by Alberto Moravia.
Brides to Be is an existential supernatural drama about love and the struggle to conquer hate.
German comedy/western from 1975
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