Hearts in Atlantis is a drama mystery movie based on the novella of the same name. It tells the story of Bobby Garfield, a man who reminisces about his childhood in the 1960s when he meets a mysterious stranger named Ted Brautigan. Ted possesses psychic powers and becomes like a father figure to Bobby. The movie explores themes of friendship, growing up, and the supernatural powers of the mind.
In 1950s San Francisco, an ex-convict becomes fixated on becoming a sniper and starts a reign of terror. A police inspector and a forensic psychiatrist must stop him before it's too late.
Conduct Unbecoming is a gripping court-martial drama set in British India during the 1870s. It follows a young officer accused of sexual misconduct and murder, as his defense counsel unravels the truth behind the charges.
After saving 10-year-old Jack from an attempted kidnapping, Casey Wright (Sarah Roemer) is hired by Jack's famous father - "the" Sam Austin (Jon Prescott) - to be Jack's home-school teacher. Casey is quickly swept up in Sam's celebrity lifestyle but when things heat up between the two, Casey becomes the target of Sam's crazed stalker.
In December 1892, a silent mysterious and very private man, for whom a new house has just been built, arrives in the small town of Bridgewood to keep a promise.
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