Fried Green Tomatoes is a heartwarming and empowering story set in 1920s Alabama. It follows the lives of four women who form a strong bond and find solace in each other's company. Through ups and downs, their friendship blossoms, and they learn to overcome challenges such as discrimination, domestic violence, and weight loss. The movie explores themes of love, murder, and the power of female empowerment.
Infidelity in Suburbia (2017) is a thrilling movie that explores the consequences of an extramarital affair. When a wife's infidelity is revealed, it sets off a chain of events involving kidnapping, vandalism, and a mysterious murder. As the plot unfolds, the characters are pushed to their limits, leading to a shocking climax.
The Daughters of Fire follows a group of women on a road trip through Patagonia, Argentina, as they explore their relationships and sexual desires. The film delves into explicit themes of female homosexuality, BDSM, sexual fetish, and more. It portrays their journey of self-discovery, challenging societal norms and embracing their desires.
A group of models is killed off, one by one, and everyone is a suspect.
A Latina immigrant must face her abusive American boyfriend when she wakes up bound in a garage about to be sold to an underground body trafficking ring.
Mia is a drama film that explores the complexities of a toxic relationship with elements of psycho-sexuality. It delves into themes of exhibitionism, rough-sex, BDSM, and the impact of a woman's masochistic tendencies.
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