In the year 70 of the Cosmic Era, a genetic mutation called the 'Coordination Disorder' occurs, causing tensions between Earth and the space colonies. Amidst the conflict, Kira Yamato, a teenage boy with exceptional piloting skills, finds himself caught in the middle as he becomes the pilot of the powerful mobile suit Gundam. With the fate of humanity at stake, Kira must navigate through the complexities of war, love, and responsibility.
In order to protect an ordinary businessman, Tsukasa Atsumi, from demons, a genius kunoichi, Shizuri Ideura, signs a master-servant contract with him on the condition that she stays with him. Despite her cool appearance of defeating demons, Shizuri is an otaku NEET who spends all her time playing video games. While Shizuri is spoiled by Tsukasa and leads a lazy cohabitation life, the quirky Kunoichi gather together.
London Clash, a movie star, faces a dilemma as he must decide between pursuing his one true love or taking a life-changing role in a major motion picture. His world is turned upside down as he contemplates the price of fame and the decisions that come with it.
It Comes is a suspenseful horror movie about a writer who encounters a ghostly little girl, leading him into a terrifying world of exorcism and the supernatural. Based on a popular novel, this Japanese horror film will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Alienated in politically-ambiguous Moscow, young woman deals with severe OCD, while her cousin in Berlin tries to build a romantic relationship ignoring her own condition. In a parallel New York City realm, a heartbroken boxer struggles with addiction, self worth and online anxiety, which connects all the heroes from a universal level.
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