Quills is a movie set in 19th century Paris, focusing on the life of the Marquis de Sade. The film explores themes of insanity, sexuality, and freedom of expression as the Marquis continues to write and publish controversial works from within an insane asylum. As the story progresses, we witness the Marquis engaging in various scandalous activities, including smuggling contraband, engaging in homoeroticism, and committing acts of violence. Quills offers a provocative and thought-provoking examination of society's treatment of deviant individuals and the power of art to challenge societal norms.
When twin brothers are separated at birth, they grow up in different worlds. But when they discover each other, they join forces to seek revenge against the warlord who destroyed their village.
In a small village plagued by a curse, a vampire circus arrives, bringing terror and death. As the residents become possessed and turn into animals, a brave woman must uncover the dark secrets and put an end to the curse before it consumes them all.
Bird of Paradise is a romantic adventure film set on a tropical island. The story follows a prince who falls in love with a local girl, but they face obstacles such as an arranged marriage and superstitions of the island. As their love grows, they must navigate through danger and tragedy to be together.
Pirates searching for treasure take over a small town in Central America where they believe the loot is buried, but discover that a church has been built over the spot. They force the townspeople to dig for it, but there are more surprises in store for them than they counted on.
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