George, a charismatic and adventurous young woman, born from an old, catholic family, falls in love, in her teens, with a female teacher named Sybil. Devastated by her lover's eventual suicide, some years later, George embarks on an exciting and reckless journey to the depths of Pigalle's nightlife, circa 1960. After an encounter with a very wealthy, still attractive, but older woman, Odete, who offers her money and gifts in return for sexual favours, George becomes Gigola, a kind of gigolo for women only.
Laure, who was the boss and the lover of Marie, has just committed suicide. Marie, not really moved by the despair's gesture of Laure, has already set his sights on other prey. Her name is Judith, and Marie find her so pretty that she is ready to do anything to curry her favors. After she takes William (Judith's fiancé) away, Marie offers to Judith to put her up. Judith succumbs very soon to the charms of her sulfurous secretary. But William, who want to marry Judith, is ready to fight in order to renew with Judith.
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