The Lifeguard follows the story of Leigh, a 29-year-old journalist living in New York City who quits her job to escape from her personal crisis. She moves back to her childhood home in Connecticut and takes up her old job as a lifeguard. While there, she begins an affair with a 16-year-old boy, Jason, who is the valedictorian of his high school. As Leigh navigates her own life crisis, she finds solace in her relationship with Jason, as they both try to figure out their futures.
Two high school students are fascinated by a mature, attractive woman named Żaklina. The boys' friendship, strengthened by the common passion of filmmaking, seems to be indestructible until both of them try to seduce her.
Sheila's fourteen. Her father abandoned her as a baby, her mum's in jail and she's stuck in a children's home. Every family that's tried to look after her has found her too difficult. Now Anne and John Howland want to foster Sheila. But if they can't make a home for her, her future looks bleak.
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