Two criminals and their hostages unknowingly seek temporary refuge in a truck stop populated by vampires, with chaotic results. Texas sheriff Edgar McGraw pulls up to an isolated liquor store in Texas called Benny's World of Liquor. Once inside he speaks with the shopkeeper...
A Haunted House is a horror comedy film that follows the story of a couple who move into a new house that is haunted by supernatural beings. As they try to adjust to their new home, they encounter strange and terrifying occurrences, leading them to seek the help of a psychic and a priest. Through their comedic and often outrageous adventures, they must find a way to rid their house of the malevolent spirits.
Dave, a stressed lawyer and family man, and Mitch, a carefree single man, switch bodies after making a wish at a fountain. As they live each other's lives, they realize that things aren't as easy as they seemed. They search for the fountain to reverse the switch while trying not to mess up each other's lives.
An Irish immigrant named Eilis Lacy moves to 1950s Brooklyn and falls in love with a local. However, when her past catches up with her, she must decide between her new life and her homeland.
The Holy Mountain follows a thief who teams up with a group of nine individuals representing the major planets in the solar system. They embark on a journey to the Holy Mountain, where they seek enlightenment and undergo various trials and transformations. Along the way, they encounter surreal and symbolic experiences that challenge their beliefs and expose the flaws of society.
In the near future, artificial organs can be bought on credit. Remy, a repo man, must make payments on his heart or face repossession. When his heart is repossessed, he teams up with a woman named Beth to clear their individual accounts and bring down the evil corporation behind the organ business. They go on a journey to destroy the corporation's mainframe and free everyone from their debts. It is later revealed that Remy is living in a dream state due to severe brain damage caused by his former partner, Jake.
After being released from a psychiatric hospital, a former patient kidnaps a porn star and holds her hostage in an attempt to make her fall in love with him. As they spend time together, their relationship becomes complicated and they must navigate their desires, past traumas, and societal expectations.
A playboy named Charlie has a fear of commitment, but his life takes a turn when he meets the perfect match who challenges his beliefs and makes him question his lifestyle.
ABCs of Death is an anthology horror film consisting of 26 different chapters, each directed by a different filmmaker and representing a different letter of the alphabet. Each chapter focuses on death in various forms, with each director showcasing their unique perspective on the subject.
A criminal, known as the Bag Man, is hired to pick up a mysterious bag and wait in a desolate motel until further instructions. As he waits, he encounters various characters and dangerous situations that put his life at risk.
Malcolm, a film director, and Marie, his girlfriend, return home after the premiere of his latest movie. As they wait for the reviews to come in, their idyllic evening soon turns into a series of intense arguments and revelations. The couple's emotional rollercoaster ride explores themes of love, toxicity, and the complexities of their relationship.
A man's wife is killed by a powerful mobster in Las Vegas. Seeking revenge, the man plots to bury the mobster alive in a Cadillac he purchased.
A radio DJ in Salem receives a strange record that triggers a series of supernatural events, leading to the resurrection of a witch coven.
In '70 Big Ones', a criminal gang attempts a high-stakes bank robbery in Bilbao, Spain. When a little girl unexpectedly becomes their hostage, a single mother must navigate a web of lies, bribery, and deception to save her daughter. With the clock ticking, the desperate criminals race against time to crack a secret code and escape. This action-packed movie explores themes of money, betrayal, and the lengths people will go to in order to survive.
Joe Tyler, a process server, is tasked with serving divorce papers to Sara Moore. However, he ends up falling for her and the two embark on a misadventure-filled road trip across Texas, racing against time to deliver the papers before her husband finds out. Along the way, they encounter comedic obstacles and develop feelings for each other, creating complications in their mission.
In Buffalo, New York, Peg Dahl is determined to escape her hometown and make a better life for herself. After getting caught up in a debt and falling into financial trouble, she decides to become a debt collector. As she navigates the world of debt collecting, she faces challenges, schemes, and a romance with a black man. Peg perseveres through it all, believing in herself and discovering her true potential.
Breaking & Exiting is a comedy-drama film about a young man named Harry who breaks into homes but accidentally interrupts a woman, Daisy, attempting suicide. As they spend more time together, they each discover unexpected things about themselves and their lives. The film explores themes of love, personal growth, and finding happiness in unexpected places.
Happy Anniversary is a comedy romance movie that revolves around a couple who are celebrating their third anniversary. Throughout the film, they reflect on their relationship and the ups and downs they have experienced. The plot explores themes of love, commitment, and the challenges of maintaining a long-term relationship.
When a young woman named Aubrey receives a cryptic message from her late friend, she embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. She finds herself in a deserted town, with only a pet turtle and a cassette tape as her companions. As she listens to the tape, she starts to experience ghostly visions and nightmares. With a sense of danger lurking around every corner, Aubrey must unravel the mystery before it's too late. The film combines elements of drama, horror, sci-fi, and thriller to create a unique and atmospheric story.
Spanking the Monkey is a dark comedy about a sexually frustrated medical student named Ray who is forced to take care of his bedridden mother during the summer. As he becomes increasingly isolated and frustrated, he finds himself becoming involved in a complicated and taboo relationship with his mother. The film explores themes of dysfunction, frustration, and the boundaries of familial relationships.