Felix, a young Frenchman, and Meira, a Hasidic Jewish woman, find themselves drawn to each other despite their different backgrounds and responsibilities. As their connection deepens, they must confront the challenges and consequences of their unconventional love.
Jack the Ripper returns to wreak havoc on a small American town, and litters the neighborhood with a series of mutilated, eviscerated corpses. When he slays journalist J. Looker's girlfriend, Looker becomes the number one suspect and scapegoat - and must embark on a quest to clear his own name and bring the maniac to a bitter end.
A beauty queen called Sheila Anderson wins a part in a Hollywood motion picture. The film turns out to be a cheap nudie film, she is then shunned by the theatrical community and ends up working as a nude model. Soon she is old news and struggles to get work, resulting in abject poverty.
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