Locked Up is a gripping and intense crime drama that takes place within the walls of a women's prison. The story follows the lives of the inmates as they navigate the harsh realities of prison life, dealing with themes of abuse, bullying, and survival. This raw and powerful film explores the complex relationships between the prisoners and the ways in which they find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
A woman tries to forget her past love while dealing with the challenges of her personal and professional life.
Sydnee Steele plays a local news commentator known for a short editorial at the end of each broadcast. She has paid her dues, and is so good that she is about ready to sign a network deal. The newscaster has hired a new agent to find her the best network deal, and has even slept with the female agent to add some incentive, but she has a small kink that might spoil her plans. She tapes all her sex acts.
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