In a small village plagued by a curse, a vampire circus arrives, bringing terror and death. As the residents become possessed and turn into animals, a brave woman must uncover the dark secrets and put an end to the curse before it consumes them all.
A tough homicide cop is assigned to track down a serial killer who is murdering prostitutes.
In the aftermath of his daughter's death, Jim is living a life of isolation and self-destruction until he can no longer hide and must face his tragic past.
A family is on summer vacation. Their adolescent son is a mixture of bored and horny. A yellow jacket wasp joins them in their car and then at their vacation campsite. A sultry young woman is doing laundry outdoors just as a brief, torrential downpour occurs and the wasp allows her to reveal, much to the young man's delight, her special knowledge of how to deal with insect bites.
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