Katie's Mom is a heartwarming comedy that follows the story of a recent divorcee who is celebrating the holidays with her adult children. However, their gathering takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself falling for her daughter's charming new boyfriend. Drawing inspiration from the classic film 'The Graduate,' the movie presents a comedic take on the situation, portraying the events from the perspective of a protagonist reminiscent of the iconic character Mrs. Robinson.%s
In the midst of German occupation, a brave nun forms an unlikely alliance with the Royal Air Force to resist the Nazis and protect the innocent.
In a small village, a young blind girl and her mother live secluded from the outside world. When a mysterious illness turns people into flesh-eating monsters, they must navigate through the horrors of the countryside to find safety. Along the way, they encounter trauma, abuse, and dehumanization as they fight to stay alive.
A filmmaker struggling to find success creates a virtual actress named S1m0ne, who becomes a worldwide sensation. However, he soon realizes that managing the fictional celebrity and keeping up with the lie becomes increasingly difficult.
When a group of prisoners in an open prison find solace in gardening, they learn about friendship, redemption, and the power of nature.
Walter Paisley, a dimwitted busboy at a Bohemian café, becomes a sensation in the art world when he accidentally kills his landlady's cat and covers it with clay, creating a lifelike sculpture. Encouraged by his newfound success, Walter continues his murderous spree to create more sculptures, ultimately attracting the attention of the police. As the pressure mounts, Walter's art becomes increasingly gruesome, leading to a chilling climax.
In this psychological thriller, a circus performer with a dark past becomes entangled in a romantic sabotage plot, leading to blackmail, murder, and a police manhunt. As secrets unravel and tensions rise, the characters are forced to confront their fears and desires, resulting in a thrilling and twisted tale of love and betrayal.
During World War I, a half-German entertainer named Lili becomes a German spy who falls in love with an American major. She must navigate her dual loyalties and the dangers of war to protect her love and complete her mission.
In this early silent film, the consequences of feminism are explored through comedic situations. It features role reversals, cross-dressing, and social satire, all set in a black-and-white world. The story revolves around a woman who fights against traditional gender roles and expectations, leading to humorous moments and unexpected encounters. The film touches on themes of feminism, effeminacy, and the changing dynamics of relationships.
In The Fixer Uppers, Laurel and Hardy find themselves in a compromising situation when the husband catches his wife with another man. In an effort to make the husband jealous and save their friendship, the duo comes up with a plan to challenge the man to a duel. As they navigate through various comedic obstacles like business cards, greeting cards, and a cafe, they must find a way to fix the situation before it gets out of hand.
When the mother of a baby girl dies in childbirth, a town doctor in Oklahoma Territory finds himself navigating romantic rivalries, racial discrimination, and the challenges of being a single father in the year 1870.
Bumping Into Broadway is a comedy film about a struggling playwright who encounters various comedic misadventures while trying to make it big on Broadway. From police raids to dance numbers, the playwright's journey is filled with laughter and unexpected twists. Will he be able to overcome the obstacles and find success?
Family secrets surface when a married couple returns to the husband’s hometown, where his overbearing family interferes with their imagined new start.
The daughter of a pineapple plantation owner in Hawaii sets her sights on a married English engineer.
Forced into homelessness, Melli, a single mother, takes her son Ben to a forest. There they build a makeshift camp, set back from the paths so that no one can find them. They think this solution is only temporary. Melli firmly believes their lives will improve soon, a feeling that is strengthened when she is employed as a trainee flight attendant. Unlike Melli, Ben actually enjoys the exciting camp trip. Life under difficult conditions further strengthens the bond between mother and son.
An architect has an affair with a woman who inspires him. Her brother is in love with the architect's daughter. The complicated entanglement leads to misunderstanding and dissolution, but ultimately love.
A famous detective is invited to a swanky party at an elegant mansion, but before the night is over he finds himself involved with gangsters, blackmail and murde
An intoxicated millionaire commissions an expedition to Africa. A white jungle goddess falls in love with the millionaire's daring consort, incurring the wrath of the jungle itself.
Unlucky Larry finds himself pursued by the police after he inadvertently steals a man's car and kidnaps his girlfriend.
A women's track team is preparing for a big meet against a rival college, but the coach is having trouble getting her team ready. Norma, the team's star, is more interested in slipping out to meet her boyfriend than she is with getting ready for the meet, so Norma and the coach engage in a clash of wills.