Moulin Rouge is a biographical drama set in 19th century Paris, highlighting the life of Toulouse-Lautrec, the famous artist. The story revolves around love, art, and the cabaret culture of Montmartre. It explores the struggles, relationships, and passions of the characters amidst the vibrant and bohemian atmosphere of the Moulin Rouge.
The Candy Snatchers is a crime thriller film from 1973. It follows the story of a teenage girl who is kidnapped by a group of criminals in order to get a ransom from her stepfather. The girl's mute brother gets involved in a dangerous chase to save her, leading to a series of intense and violent events. As the tension rises, secrets are revealed, and the characters must face the consequences of their actions.
22-year-old Meili is an ill-fated girl. Abandoned by her parents, she was raised by her elder sister, who is infertile. Meili was set up to be raped by her brother-in-law and gave birth to a daughter secretly. Her sister often asked her for child support. To avoid her sister’s harassment, Meili quits her job and decides to follow her lover Wen to Shanghai. Unexpectedly, Wen leaves her in Changchun. Abandoned by love, also unemployed, the helpless Meili meets Yu, who finds her another job. Her sister flees to Meili due to family violence. Her brother-in-law finds her, bringing to the surface unbearable memories. Meili resigns. Desperately she expects Wen's return, but what waits around the corner is more deception and betrayal.
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