Undercurrent (1946) is a psychological thriller film-noir directed by Vincente Minnelli. The story revolves around a woman named Ann Hamilton who falls in love with two brothers, Alan and Michael Garroway. As Ann gets closer to uncovering the truth about the mysterious disappearance of Michael's previous wife, she becomes entangled in a dangerous web of secrets, jealousy, and murder. With uncanny resemblances, shocking revelations, and a suspenseful plot, Undercurrent keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
A novelist and his younger brother fall in love with the same woman.
Erik Eriksen, who has become a successful pianist in New York, is back in Templeton, his Mormon community, where he is still treated distrustfully by its members, including his family, for having 'betrayed' them in not living the life God had planned for him. Only his mother and his younger brother Jens, support him unconditionally. Erik falls in love with Chelnica, a beautiful young woman who plays the piano at the local cinema and a dedicated Mormon. The big trouble is that she is also Jens's fiancée, due to marry him soon...
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