Blow Dry is a comedy movie set in a small Yorkshire town where a group of hairdressers compete in a prestigious competition. The story revolves around the relationships between the characters, including a husband and wife who are separated but forced to work together, a father and son who have a strained relationship, and a hairstylist dealing with the fallout of his wife being diagnosed with cancer. As the competition unfolds, the characters navigate their personal challenges and find unexpected connections.
Made in Dagenham is a comedy-drama film based on the true story of a group of women working at the Ford automobile factory in Dagenham, England, who went on strike in 1968 to demand equal pay. The film follows the journey of Rita O'Grady, who becomes the leader of the strike and fights against sexism and discrimination. Despite facing pressure from management and the government, the women's strike leads to a significant victory for equal pay.
An American man pretending to be a millionaire to impress an Australian woman gets caught in a series of comedic misadventures that involve a Mexican restaurant, a horse stable, a kangaroo, and a romantic affair.
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