Summer Things (2002) is a romantic comedy-drama set in France during a summer vacation. It explores themes of infidelity, relationships, and class differences through a series of interconnected storylines. The movie follows a group of friends who experience love, heartbreak, and unexpected twists during their time at a luxury hotel. With elements of sex comedy and a touch of snobbishness, Summer Things portrays the complexities of human relationships and the various emotions that come with them.
Sparrows is a coming-of-age drama that follows Ari, a teenage boy living in a small town in Iceland. He navigates the challenges of adolescence while dealing with the absence of his mother, his father's alcoholism, and the seductive advances of a mature woman. As he explores his own sexuality and grapples with the complexities of adult relationships, Ari begins to understand the true meaning of maturity and the importance of finding his own path in life.
Tired of boring students-sex, university students Rafael and Alex decide to explore a new science: Paleontology- which means, from now on, "she" must be at least 10 years older.
The story of three art-school grads realizing that their degrees and artistic ambitions haven't necessarily prepared them for the real world and putting themselves in positions to confirm that darkness and pain are necessary to produce great art.
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