After a series of disappearances in Tokyo, it is discovered that a man-eating monster created by radiation is lurking in the city's sewers. The monster, known as the H-Man, melts its victims upon contact. As the police and scientists race against time to stop the H-Man, they uncover a criminal gang involved in illegal activities. With the city in danger, they must find a way to defeat the H-Man before it claims more lives.
Ley Lines is a 1999 movie that revolves around a group of young Japanese friends who find themselves caught up in a web of crime, murder, and money. As they navigate the dangerous underworld of Tokyo, they encounter various characters and situations that test their friendship and loyalty. With themes of prostitution, violence, and sexual sadism, Ley Lines delves into the gritty and dark aspects of urban life.
Opal, who knows nothing about her ancestors, falls in love with G. D. Stanley, the strange young man who is her closest neighbor in the Canadian wilderness. One day, Opal is informed that she is really the princess of a small country and must return to her native land to marry the neighboring king to save her people from invasion.
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