Humanité is a French movie that delves into the depths of human emotions, lust, and violence. The story revolves around a small town police superintendent who becomes obsessed with a brutal murder and the subsequent investigation. As he unravels the dark secrets of the town, he finds himself entangled in a web of voyeurism, sexual desires, and the complexities of the human psyche. With its explicit scenes and shocking moments, Humanité explores the boundaries of morality and the consequences of one's actions.
A man and a woman meet eachother in a hotel suite for a day full of fantasy, they are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and this is their routine celebration. But this year is different. Through this day secrets, lies, will coming out while they are both living their sexual fantasy.
Two couples are at an isolated lakeside cabin and the tragic psycho-sexual interaction between these four people leads one of them, Piotr, to commit an unspeakable act.
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