In this hilarious and action-packed sci-fi comedy spoof, a group of rebels led by Fluke Starbucker and Augie 'Ben' Doggie team up to stop the evil Darph Nader and the sinister empire from destroying the galaxy. Along the way, they encounter outrageous characters and engage in epic dogfights with spaceships made out of junk. With clever parodies of Star Wars and a non-stop barrage of gags, Hardware Wars is a must-watch for fans of sci-fi comedy.
Shot in one single shot with no cuts, Rendez-vous is an original Mexican thriller about a couple that met online.
While touring a museum, Rodney Hatch, an unremarkable barber, places an engagement ring intended for his girlfriend on the hand of a statue of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. From Mount Olympus, Venus witnesses the event and decides to visit Rodney on Earth by magically inhabiting the statue. Hilarity ensues when she starts to fall in love with Rodney and competes with his girlfriend for his attentions. This television version of Kurt Weill's successful Broadway musical is much more faithful to the stage version than the 1948 Ava Gardner film, which changed the story considerably and cut most of the songs.
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