During the Cold War, George Smiley is brought out of retirement to find a Soviet mole within MI6. The film follows Smiley as he investigates Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, and Spy, a group of high-ranking British agents suspected of being double agents. As he delves deeper into the investigation, Smiley uncovers the truth about the mole and the complex web of deceit and betrayal within British Intelligence. Through interviews, surveillance, and careful analysis, Smiley gradually uncovers the identity of the mole, leading to a tense confrontation at a safe house. The mole is revealed to be Haydon, who had been secretly passing intelligence to the Soviets. Haydon is captured and interrogated, revealing that he seduced Smiley's wife and had close ties to other suspects. With the mole exposed, Smiley is reinstated as MI6 chief.
Oliver Twist, a young orphan boy, experiences the harsh realities of life as he navigates through the criminal underworld of 19th century London.
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