Petrov's Flu is a dark comedy movie that delves into the lives of its characters in the midst of a flu epidemic. With elements of drama and sci-fi, it explores themes of family relationships, societal decay, and the absurdity of human existence. The film follows Petrov, an artist, and his encounters with various individuals, including his friends and family, as they navigate through the chaos caused by the epidemic.
Afflicted is a found-footage horror film that follows two friends as they embark on a European journey. However, their vacation takes a dark turn when one of them becomes infected with a supernatural condition, leading to a series of horrifying and deadly events. As they struggle to find a cure, their friendship is put to the ultimate test.
The Pumpkin Eater tells the story of a woman who finds herself in a troubled marriage, dealing with an unfaithful husband and multiple marriages. She battles depression and emotional breakdowns, while also facing the societal pressures of being a fertile woman. The movie explores themes of female subjugation, betrayal, and the hardships of traditional gender roles.
After their respective relationships end, a divorced man and a single woman find themselves starting over and navigating the challenges of love and relationships.
Every 50 years a cat demon has to be killed by a Cheung family member until the body-hopping feline demon's 9 lives are up. This time it falls on the shoulders of Master Cheung. He is afraid of cancer killing him before he can stop the demonic force, so when Long comes to him after his boss gets possessed, he tries teaching him his family's Mao Shan magic hoping to pass it onto him since Cheung's bloodline stops with himself.
Wonder Women follows the story of a group of female athletes who are recruited by a secret organization to take on a mad scientist. They must use their skills in karate, kung-fu, and other martial arts to stop his evil plans. Along the way, they uncover a dangerous plot involving brain transplants and a femme fatale. The movie features thrilling chase scenes, intense fight sequences, and a surprise ending.
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