In Three Little Wolves, the Big Bad Wolf disguises himself as Little Bo Peep and tries to capture the Three Little Pigs. The pigs use a Rube Goldberg machine and various traps to outsmart the wolf. The film features comedic moments and slapstick humor.
Blind Alley is a thrilling movie that follows the story of a drug-addicted dancer who becomes trapped in a blind alley. She must find a way to escape and overcome her addiction while being isolated and surrounded by loneliness.
To save their marriage, Rita and Dana Lund set off on a family camping trip through California. At a campsite they meet a hitch-hiker, Eric, who befriends their son. Against Rita's wishes, Dana takes asks him to tag along with them, not knowing that he's a brutal psychopath.
In this anthology of chills, thrills, and kills, a practitioner of the magical arts teaches the basics of her craft. The most important lesson? You must be mindful of your intention. Five of her customers are about to learn this the hard way: A woman looking to change her luck gets ensnared in a dangerous game; In the quest for justice, a man is transformed into a monster; In an attempt to right a wrong, a woman rescues a stray cat; A father and son are torn apart when a joke goes too far; A young girl needs protection from the demons in her life.
Droopy is guarding his flock of sheep from the rebel wolf.
A wolf, deprived of meat by war rationing and starving, sees an article in the newspaper about a sheepdog leaving his flock to join the army and thinks it will be easy pickings. However, if he had read the rest of the article, he would know that the flock is now guarded by the ram Killer Diller, a most formidable foe.
Sam Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf are both just trying to do what they have to do.
After reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood to three kittens in a cradle, Oswald the Rabbit goes to sleep thinking about the girl heroine. In his dream, he sees the girl pass by and decides to pick a couple of flowers for her. But the stems are impossibly long, and no matter how much he pulls, they just get longer and longer. Meanwhile, a wolf, craving the girl's basket of goodies, pulls the wool off a nearby sheep and disguises himself in it. As a bogus sheep, he asks questions of the girl. She reveals she is going to grandma's house. Soon, the wolf is at grandma's door. The old woman is so frightened, she swallows her harmonica. The wolf stores her in the icebox, promising to eat her later. By the time the girl arrives, the wolf has disguised himself as the old woman. Oswald eventually comes to the rescue. But the wolf finds a magic wand inside the basket of goodies and uses it to put Oswald on top of a construction site.
Betty Boop and Freddie appear on stage in a melodrama, wherein Betty sings the title song to the villain.
A strange man meets a seemingly ordinary child.
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