Lava-Lava! is a french slapstick animation series by Federico Vitali from 1995. It contains a pilot and 13 episodes of about 3min each. The main characters of the short stories are animals, humans or aliens. They go through bizarre situations ending frequently out-of-control and violently. Lava-Lava! uses many slapstick elements and get along without spoken words.
A sensory journey that over the course of hours, passes through crises. The constant non-communicability, even so, conceals carnal desire by the two human beings.
A station. A boy. A girl. The same book. An exchange of looks and movements that tends to a loving dream with an unexpected ending. A 16 mm black and white exercise made by the author during her first trimester at the London Film School.
A reunion between a mother and her pregnant daughter, who need a moment to recognize themselves and to understand that they will live together again in a new situation for both of them. An exercise made by the author during her second trimester at the London Film School, inspired by the painting "La Coiffure" by Edgar Degas.
Mokhi media presents Loopy (2017)
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